Thursday, January 31, 2008

Resolutions ?

Time to check in with the Resolutions made 31 days ago.

First the good news, I have worn my hand knit socks every day. On the day I needed to 'dress up' it was rainy so I wore my 'dress' boots and my casual sock secret was safely hidden.

As to the exercise before knitting. Well . . . those exercise resolutions are always a challenge. I have tried to walk more, but have to admit that on the rainy days I didn't get out. (Wait, does walking in Costco count?)

So resolutions for February? I think they should be about love - since this is St. Valentine's month. Try to love walking? That's easy to fudge. Try finishing the afghan? That's do-able.
And yes, keep knitting and wearing socks. Sweet!

1 comment:

Susan Pandorf said...

Hey Skylark! Haven't heard form you in a while. How ya' been?

I think all these people like Sheepish Annie who claim to be able to knit ndc exercise at the same time, must be delusional....
